Does netlify support Nuxt Server-Side Rendered Deployment (Universal SSR) mode websites?
thank you
Does netlify support Nuxt Server-Side Rendered Deployment (Universal SSR) mode websites?
thank you
Hi, @grahappa. Welcome to our community site!
This question is a variation of the question answered here:
To summarize, the answer is “no”. It isn’t possible to run any servers on the CDN nodes that host the deployed site. If there are other questions about this, please let us know.
I am starting to think that I might move from Nuxt – back to Vue plus
I am starting to not sure if Nuxt is better than Vue…
When the data on our webpages is changing often, universal mode works great since our pages are pre-rendered on the server every time a request comes in. But what about when the data doesn’t change as often such as:
In this case it Universal Mode can be overkill when we’re pulling from the API and rendering our pages on every request.
If you have a large app with many concurrent requests then you will want Nuxt and Universal Mode with Server Side Rendering.
So if the web page is exactly as you described - data only changing when new content comes through the API, however each new article should have its own dynamic route - so how do you make sure that the new route gets generated if the website was deployed in static mode?