DNSSEC support on Netlify

You can use Cloudflare with Netlify combined, it works for me, just don’t use Cloudflare’s proxy. You can still use some of the Cloudflare extras, I think. :slight_smile:

Up until yesterday, I had perfect scores for both my zsoltsandor.me and my www.zsoltsandor.me at the internet.nl test. Today, www is not giving me a good score, apparently something had happened with NETLIFY’s DNSSEC, I can’t think of anything else.

The results for the zsoltsandor.me test:
Website test: zsoltsandor.me
The results for the www.zsoltsandor.me test:
Website test: www.zsoltsandor.me

Also some other tests:

For the www:


The problem seems to be on Netlify’s side:

Results for Netlify itself:


Could admins, service team, whomever look into this?
Thanks in advance! :slight_smile: