DNS issue - Trying to add a domain to a Netlify site but getting error Another site is already using this domain

I am trying to add a domain (u**********.com) to a Netlify site (go********.netlify.app) but getting error as ‘Another site is already using this domain’.

Please note I have added the TXT record (verified-for-netlify) for domain verification as instructed in the Support Guide for verifying domain ownership. Kindly do the needful

What you’ve done is incorrect:


Read the Support Guide again:

The name should be verified-for-netlify

The value should be:


@gopi-it, the domain has been removed from the other account.

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Just out of interest, as I thought I was providing an accurate answer… if domains are removed from existing accounts without a unique request value, what prevents someone (at least temporarily) taking the site down by making the same request to Netlify (perhaps performed by a different support member) a few weeks from now (with the TXT value they probably won’t have removed)?

We mostly require unique values, so your answer itself was correct. But in this case, the domain was in an abandoned account left in its state for over a year and a half. The domain wasn’t even pointing to Netlify and the SSL had thus expired. So the domain was anyways “unused” which is why I decided to remove it regardless of the unique value.

But yes, you’re right about the potential exploit with domains that leave the TXT record in place. Usually when a domain appears to be on an active website and/or was recently add to the site or so, we closely check before removing the domain.

@hrishikesh Thanks for the explanation!

I’d presumed there had to be additional info you were using to make a judgement call.