I just finished creating this site in localhost and I’m trying to deploy it to Netlify but it’s failing.
The error, was originally related to Environment variables, which I now added to the site in Netlify, but I still get a failed build now and I can’t understand why from the logs. Can anybody help?
If it can help, here’s my nuxt.config.ts
import svgLoader from "vite-svg-loader";
export default defineNuxtConfig({
devtools: { enabled: true },
routeRules: {
"/": { prerender: true },
"/admin/**": { ssr: false },
"/api/**": { cors: true },
build: { transpile: ["@vuepic/vue-datepicker"] },
imports: { dirs: ["stores"] },
css: ["~/assets/css/main.sass"],
modules: [
["@pinia/nuxt", { autoImports: ["defineStore", "acceptHMRUpdate"] }],
families: { Poppins: [300, 400, 500, 600] },
download: true,
overwriting: false,
display: "swap",
postcss: {
plugins: {
tailwindcss: {},
autoprefixer: {},
supabase: { redirect: false },
image: { provider: "netlify", format: ["webp", "jpg"] },
vite: { plugins: [svgLoader()] },
Project structure: