I am receiving the data upon pressing submit button on the form but the default thank-you screen doesn’t show up. Here are things that I did to debug the situation.
Checked using dev tools to identify the network activity caused by clicking submit button. And I see netlify sends the response correctly but it’s not shown by the browser.
I read both threads multiple times. I changed "method="Post" to action="thank-you" but the thank you message from your server doesn’t get shown upon clicking Send message button.
@mishraka, the form on the bottom of that page attempts to submit to a php file (https://www.trisetra.com/mail/mail.php), which won’t work because Netlify isn’t processing your PHP. Can you clarify which form you’re trying to use with Netlify forms that’s not working?
Have you managed to get this sorted?? I am having exactly the same issue, can’t get my head around it… it’s so annoying, I’m assuming it is happening because its a vue app… I have read the documentation several times too to check if I missed something but no banana…