Debug deploy fail with scss

I need advice to debug deploy Netlify App

Hi there, glad you found us :wave: before we can help you, we need a little more information on the issues you are facing.

Please tell us:

  • what you are trying to achieve
  • what you have already tried
  • What the problem is, including any error messages you have received in your terminal window or in the developer console
  • if the error is occurring in multiple browsers / machines, or just on one

Thank you! Looking forward to supporting you :slight_smile:

Hi ,

In answer to your questions:

  • what you are trying to achieve
    I am trying to deploy a github create react app using the automatic building and deploying. Currently, i am building and deploying locally which works fine.
  • what you have already tried
    I have tried setting environment variables because they are present locally like :

but still no luck

  • What the problem is, including any error messages you have received in your terminal window or in the developer console
    this is the error:
Failed to compile.
4:31:35 PM: 
4:31:35 PM: ./src/App.scss
4:31:35 PM: @import "@material/list/mdc-list";
4:31:35 PM: ^
4:31:35 PM:       File to import not found or unreadable: @material/list/mdc-list.
4:31:35 PM:       in /opt/build/repo/node_modules/@material/react-list/index.scss (line 23, column 1)

followed by

4:31:35 PM:   "build.command" failed                                        
4:31:35 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
4:31:35 PM: ​
4:31:35 PM:   Error message
4:31:35 PM:   Command failed with exit code 1: npm run build:staging
4:31:35 PM: ​
4:31:35 PM:   Error location
4:31:35 PM:   In Build command from Netlify app:
4:31:35 PM:   npm run build:staging
4:31:35 PM: ​
4:31:35 PM:   Resolved config
4:31:35 PM:   build:
4:31:35 PM:     command: npm run build:staging
4:31:35 PM:     commandOrigin: ui
4:31:35 PM:     environment:
4:31:35 PM:       - REVIEW_ID
4:31:35 PM:       - SASS_PATH
4:31:35 PM:     publish: /opt/build/repo/build
4:31:35 PM:     publishOrigin: ui
4:31:35 PM:   functions:
4:31:35 PM:     '*': {}
  • if the error is occurring in multiple browsers / machines, or just on one
    since this is a deployment problem, the error is just when i use automatic netlify deployment. works fine with a local npm run build ; netlify deploy

any help appreciated!

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From what I read, the environment variable works differently on different Operating Systems. Thus, it might have worked locally, but not online.

What you could do is, instead is use a more general import method (~@material/list/mdc-list) or set the variable like SASS_PATH=node_modules:src. Reference here: Adding a Sass Stylesheet | Create React App


works now!
Thanks so much for the help

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