Completed deploy labeled as "Building" on team page seems to prevent other deploys

Some deploys labeled as New ont eh team builds page seem to be hung.

I’m discussing the team builds page (Netlify) which for this problem is not consistent with the site build page (Netlify)

The problem is that

  1. I cannot access the deploys listed as “new” on the team biild page to cancel them (no link from the the team builds page.
  2. I cannot see them on the site builds page (only the team builds page)
  3. The one deploy that reads “Building” has been completed and is labeled as “Published” on the site build page.

See screenshot below

What can I do to go back to normal so that new deploy moves beyond the “New” phase?


After 1/2 hour all builds eventually upgrade to Completed. Not sure what triggered it.

Glad to hear it resolved itself, sorry for the trouble here!