Can't login into Netify CMS after changing GitHub repository name


I deployed Netlify CMS webste, then changed the GitHub repository name. Update also github branch, inside Netlify settings - but now I’m getting this error:

“Git Gateway Error: Please ask your site administrator to reissue the Git Gateway token.”

Under “Git Gateway” it’s not possible to change the repository, maybe this is the reason it’s not working?

What can be done to fix that issue? Should I create new Nentlify CMS and delete the current one?

hi @artrayd :wave:t6: welcome back to the forums! Would you try the solution outlined below to see if it helps?

Thank you Samo, I already wanted to delete and re-install NetlifyCMS, but your answered helped.

  1. Insde config.yml I matched the branch with my actual repository name
  2. Disabled and re-enabled Git Gateway and everything worked :tada:
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Awesome happy to hear it. (: