Cant install Netlify Github App


A few days ago I’ve uninstalled Netlify App from my github account, and now I cant reinstall it. If i try to link my repository to automatic deploys from git, the list of repos is empty, and if I push the “Configure Netlify on Github” I get a " This page is taking too long to load." error.

If I try to go directly to while logged in with my github account, I get that error, but if I log out, i can see the page. weird.

What can I do to fix this?

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Hi, @salgozino. There was an incident declared at GitHub shortly after this post was created:

The incident is resolved now though. Are you still experiencing this issue?


Same issue on my side, opened another topic here :

maybe we should join them to have one space to discuss this matter.

That wasn’t the issue.

Reading the @AnasH post and @hrishikesh comment, found that the issue it’s because I’m also linked to a hugh repository (cs50). Check the solution here → Netlify times out when trying to import a project from Github - #9 by reallemon

Removing as contributor to that repo solve the issue.

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Thanks for coming back and sharing!