A few days ago I’ve uninstalled Netlify App from my github account, and now I cant reinstall it. If i try to link my repository to automatic deploys from git, the list of repos is empty, and if I push the “Configure Netlify on Github” I get a " This page is taking too long to load. " error.
If I try to go directly to https://github.com/apps/netlify/installations/ while logged in with my github account, I get that error, but if I log out, i can see the page. weird.
What can I do to fix this?
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October 6, 2022, 3:15am
Hi, @salgozino . There was an incident declared at GitHub shortly after this post was created:
The incident is resolved now though. Are you still experiencing this issue?
October 6, 2022, 7:05am
Same issue on my side, opened another topic here :
It appears GitHub had an issue earlier that may have affected your ability to deploy on Netlify. This should be resolved as of now. Can you try this again and let us know if you are still experiencing issues?
maybe we should join them to have one space to discuss this matter.
That wasn’t the issue.
Reading the @AnasH post and @hrishikesh comment, found that the issue it’s because I’m also linked to a hugh repository (cs50). Check the solution here → Netlify times out when trying to import a project from Github - #9 by reallemon
Removing as contributor to that repo solve the issue.
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Thanks for coming back and sharing!