Can't find "Build Image Selection" in Continuous Deployment

I received an email from Netlify saying that all of my sites have to have their build image changed from Xenial. But when I look at my list of sites in Netlify, there is no warning image as suggested in the support document to identify sites needing to be upgraded. And when I go to Site Settings - Build and Deploy - Continuous Deployment - I cannot find anything saying “Build Image Selection” which is what the support document says to look for in terms of changing my build. What am I doing wrong?



Hey @mtrexler

There is information on changing the build image in this post and in this documentation. It will look like this

You would need to go into the settings for each site and see what build image is used, then change it as required.

Only sites that are connected to a git repository will have these settings and require changing. Sites deployed manually will not have a build image.

Another option is to use the Netlify API listSites which includes a build_image key.


Ah, that probably explains my problem. All of my sites are manually deployed.



Hi, @mtrexler. Yes, this warning email was sent about sites not using continuous deployment at Netlify and we are researching to find out why so it doesn’t happen again.

If you are using manual deploys there is never a build image at all so the selection doesn’t apply. You can safely ignore the warning email as it was a mistake.

Hi @mtrexler, sorry for the issue. What @luke said is correct, and there’s more details in Please read! End of support for Xenial build image: Everything you need to know - #13 by gualter