Cannot remove deploys previews for github branches that are pending review

We are not able to remove these preview deployment “requests” awaiting review to be deployed. There is no way to accept or reject and therefore they stay forever. They are several years old some of them.
The review in netlify has been triggered by PRs in github from external contributers. When the PRs are closed or merged before the netlify preview has been rejected or accepted, they stay forever.

Any work arounds or suggestions on how to remove them?

  • site name or

Hey @CirclesUBI,

The deploys have been cleaned up for you.


could you do the same for me? The Site ID is

Thank you!

Hi @OFranke_limebit, the deploys have been cleaned up for you.

@sid.m , could you please do the same cleanup for b2a7ee46-6505-4442-ab5e-21faef133467? And is there a way to self-service this cleanup in the future?

Hi @borispetrovdev those have been cleaned up for you! Right now, there’s no way to self-serve on this. If you need support on this in the future you can reach out and we’ll help you out.

Hi @sid.m, we would like to have the same cleanup for 5b97d97e-d43a-42fa-a979-1c0f5e9d9030.
And since people are asking, is there going to be any way to cleanup this ourselves in the future?

@lubosangus these have been cleared! There’s no plan to offer this in the near future, but I’ve added your feedback to a feature request for this functionality.

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@sid.m could you please clean up 2 pending previews for site id 4cb47fb5-a954-44ad-bda1-9f191ff160c4 ? Thanks

Hi, we have removed the pending previews for your site.

Thanks for writing in!

Hi, could you clean up for 17bc4a49-174f-4dd6-8267-ec2aa4d91155 please.

Much appreciated!

Can you remove pending reviews from the e8d3d72a-dcb6-4e31-bfc5-deb4e665d083 ?

Hi @arsinclair & @izmalk :wave:t6: thanks for reaching out and my apologies or the delay. We have removed the pending previews from both of your sites. :+1:t6:

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Hi, will like some help remove pending reviews for site id f6ebfc82-a4c1-4415-960c-da789e063b17 as well

@engineers the pending reviews for that site have been removed

Hi, could you please do the same for 4140fc7f-b3dc-4b80-9b1c-ccfeca480ccd and 61d535d0-7b57-4470-892f-556eb790d807.

Thanks :smiley:

@smeevil I’ve cleared the pending reviews, you’re all set!

Hi, could you do the same for 2473e102-ded4-428c-949c-34755e08c065? Thanks!

This is done. Please check.

I’m suffering the same, please could you help me with:
