I currently host a WordPress website on WPX.net along with a domain.
I want to be able to host an app from Netlify using a subdomain while keeping the existing WordPress site. Is this possible?
I currently host a WordPress website on WPX.net along with a domain.
I want to be able to host an app from Netlify using a subdomain while keeping the existing WordPress site. Is this possible?
hi there, this is possible, as long as you are using a DNS server other than Netlify DNS.
You would have to configure your DNS to point to your netlify app to route requests to the relevant subdomain.
Hi! I have similar question but different purpose. I have my nextjs hosted on netlify and use netlify DNS for my main domain. However, I point the subdomain from netlify DNS to a laravel php app (hosting outside netlify). Is it possible?
Hi @iriekun ,
Welcome to the Netlify forums and thanks so much for asking! You can use external subdomains with Netlify DNS and you should be able to do this in the UI. Configure external DNS for a custom domain | Netlify Docs
Hello! the document link is not clear to me. My main website is on netlify and main domain in on netlify DNS but another web app is outside netlify and I want to use sub domain from netlify DNS to point to that another web app outside netlify.
I have a webapp hosted in railway and I pointed from netlify CNAME record to the railway domain, but it doesn’t work.
Hi @iriekun , thanks for clarifying. Netlify automatically redirects between the apex domain and www subdomain, we don’t do this for any other subdomains . You can configure this behavior yourself with domain-level redirects.