Build Image machine spec (ram/cpu etc.)

What is the CPU and RAM on Netlify build machines?

Our client is using Circle CI to compile and deploy our work and they are experiencing a lot of issues unless running 16GB 8cpu configuration. We have not had a single build failure to date on Netlify so are trying to help them troubleshoot, but need a benchmark.

Thank you!

This should answer your question:

To summarise, 3 GB RAM is assured and 1 CPU. If you need more, High Performance builds would help:

Would you know what Netlify does differently so our builds dont use too much RAM/spin up too many workers?

We’re running gridsome build and it works perfectly on Netlify for moths now, but fails on CircleCI reporting out of memory errors unless we give it tonne of RAM (16GB). Same code and somehow Netlify has it dialed in.

hi there, glad to hear your builds work so well on netlify. Unfortunately i can’t share what exactly makes things so magic on netlify - that is all part of what makes our platform special :slight_smile:

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I found it! The issue us with NodeJs not being correctly restricted in it’s use of RAM.

Apprantly on Circle the guest OS might be getting wrong reading in regards to how much RAM it has as it sees it’s parent machine config which is likely 32GB and it maxes out it’s RAM crashing.

To fix it needs to be told to limit it’s use of RAM and memory intensive processes like image optimization won’t fail with Exited with code exit status 137