Build failed with previous successful deployed build

1:35:33 PM: Error: error building site: render: failed to render pages: render of "page" failed: "/opt/build/repo/themes/hugoplate/layouts/_default/baseof.html:11:7": execute of template failed: template: _default/single.html:11:7: executing "_default/single.html" at <partial "essentials/head.html" .>: error calling partial: partial "essentials/head.html" timed out after 30s. This is most likely due to infinite recursion. If this is just a slow template, you can try to increase the 'timeout' config setting.
1:35:33 PM: error Command failed with exit code 1. (
1:35:33 PM: info Visit for documentation about this command.
1:35:33 PM: ​
1:35:33 PM: "build.command" failed                                        
1:35:33 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
1:35:33 PM: ​
1:35:33 PM:   Error message
1:35:33 PM:   Command failed with exit code 1: yarn project-setup; yarn build (
1:35:33 PM: ​
1:35:33 PM:   Error location
1:35:33 PM:   In build.command from netlify.toml:
1:35:33 PM:   yarn project-setup; yarn build
1:35:33 PM: ​
1:35:33 PM:   Resolved config
1:35:33 PM:   build:
1:35:33 PM:     command: yarn project-setup; yarn build
1:35:33 PM:     commandOrigin: config
1:35:33 PM:     environment:
1:35:33 PM:       - HUGO_VERSION
1:35:33 PM:     publish: /opt/build/repo/public
1:35:33 PM:     publishOrigin: config

1:35:33 PM:   redirectsOrigin: config
1:35:34 PM: Build failed due to a user error: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 2
1:35:34 PM: Failing build: Failed to build site
1:35:34 PM: Finished processing build request in 1m21.018s

this build was successful before, however, now cannot be build and deployed.

local build is successful

❯ yarn project-setup; yarn build
yarn run v1.22.22
$ node ./scripts/projectSetup.js
✨  Done in 0.34s.
yarn run v1.22.22
$ hugo --gc --minify --templateMetrics --templateMetricsHints --forceSyncStatic
Start building sites …
hugo v0.123.7-312735366b20d64bd61bff8627f593749f86c964+extended darwin/arm64 BuildDate=2024-03-01T16:16:06Z VendorInfo=brew

Template Metrics:

     cumulative       average       maximum      cache  percent  cached  total
       duration      duration      duration  potential   cached   count  count  template
     ----------      --------      --------  ---------  -------  ------  -----  --------
   220.716543ms    20.06514ms   38.178458ms          0        0       0     11  blog/single.html
     179.5625ms    5.792338ms   34.710917ms         51        0       0     31  partials/essentials/head.html
   165.872082ms    5.350712ms    34.58825ms         33        0       0     31  partials/basic-seo.html
   118.044911ms    1.422227ms   10.735292ms         37        0       0     83  partials/components/blog-card.html
   105.922757ms    1.059227ms    9.231833ms          3        0       0    100  partials/image.html
    100.02096ms    3.226482ms   25.140125ms        100       97      30     31  partials/essentials/script.html
    58.883997ms    1.899483ms   12.986791ms        100       97      30     31  partials/essentials/style.html
    52.427833ms   52.427833ms   52.427833ms          0        0       0      1  authors/single.html
    45.610291ms   22.805145ms   42.234791ms          0        0       0      2  blog/list.html
     44.68625ms    44.68625ms    44.68625ms          0        0       0      1  index.html
    40.347792ms   40.347792ms   40.347792ms          0        0       0      1  about/list.html
    35.226417ms   35.226417ms   35.226417ms          0        0       0      1  _default/single.html
    35.192708ms   35.192708ms   35.192708ms          0        0       0      1  authors/list.html
    33.906208ms   33.906208ms   33.906208ms          0        0       0      1  shortcodes/gallery.html
    31.848707ms    3.538745ms    7.446125ms          0        0       0      9  _default/taxonomy.html
       29.164ms      29.164ms      29.164ms          0        0       0      1  404.html
    24.276417ms   24.276417ms   24.276417ms          0        0       0      1  _default/list.searchindex.json
    23.311166ms    1.059598ms    2.464292ms         71        0       0     22  partials/searchImage.html
    17.084461ms     551.111µs    2.578417ms         99        0       0     31  partials/essentials/header.html
    12.215208ms     718.541µs     1.96375ms        100        0       0     17  partials/image-pipe.html
    12.004169ms    1.500521ms    3.210416ms          0        0       0      8  shortcodes/image.html
        5.603ms     350.187µs      798.75µs          0        0       0     16  _internal/_default/rss.xml
     3.737125ms    3.737125ms    3.737125ms          0        0       0      1  partials/favicon.html
     2.936249ms      97.874µs       2.632ms        100      100      30     30  partials/favicon
     2.445251ms     152.828µs     465.709µs         63        0       0     16  partials/page-header.html
     2.352125ms      75.875µs     389.375µs        100        0       0     31  partials/search-modal.html
     2.195417ms    1.097708ms    1.380334ms          0        0       0      2  _default/terms.html
     2.171708ms      70.055µs     173.292µs        100        0       0     31  partials/search-index.html
      1.76117ms      56.811µs     329.084µs        100        0       0     31  partials/components/language-switcher.html
     1.533375ms    1.533375ms    1.533375ms          0        0       0      1  contact/list.html
      1.46692ms      45.841µs     162.292µs        100        0       0     32  partials/logo.html
      1.27621ms      44.007µs     191.708µs          0        0       0     29  _default/_markup/render-link.html
     1.192959ms      38.482µs     216.542µs        100        0       0     31  partials/components/theme-switcher.html
     1.102498ms     100.227µs     219.708µs         98        0       0     11  partials/social-share.html
      967.583µs     967.583µs     967.583µs          0        0       0      1  sitemap.xml
      947.374µs       59.21µs     160.541µs         68        0       0     16  partials/components/breadcrumb.html
      838.125µs     838.125µs     838.125µs          0        0       0      1  _default/index.webmanifest
      712.042µs     712.042µs     712.042µs          0        0       0      1  partials/widgets/widget-wrapper.html
       609.25µs      19.653µs      492.75µs        100       97      30     31  partials/essentials/footer.html
      585.208µs      18.877µs          90µs        100       97      30     31  partials/preloader.html
      518.918µs     259.459µs     458.459µs         71        0       0      2  partials/components/pagination.html
      477.876µs     238.938µs     306.334µs          0        0       0      2  redirect/single.html
      433.375µs     433.375µs     433.375µs        100        0       0      1  partials/components/author-card.html
      368.833µs     368.833µs     368.833µs        100        0       0      1  partials/widgets/categories.html
      349.957µs      11.288µs      55.958µs        100       97      30     31  partials/gtm-noscript.html
      232.041µs     232.041µs     232.041µs        100        0       0      1  partials/widgets/tags.html
      203.292µs     203.292µs     203.292µs          0        0       0      1  redirect/section.html
      150.334µs     150.334µs     150.334µs          0        0       0      1  _internal/shortcodes/youtube.html
      135.125µs     135.125µs     135.125µs          0        0       0      1  _internal/alias.html
      131.789µs       4.251µs      60.292µs        100       97      30     31  partials/gtm.html
       116.75µs       3.766µs      52.292µs        100       97      30     31  partials/site-verifications.html
      114.375µs     114.375µs     114.375µs        100        0       0      1  partials/pwa.html
      107.001µs       3.451µs      40.916µs        100       97      30     31  partials/custom-script.html
       97.667µs      32.555µs      90.125µs         92        0       0      3  partials/redirect.html
       92.043µs       3.068µs       70.25µs        100      100      30     30  partials/manifest
       90.791µs      90.791µs      90.791µs        100        0       0      1  partials/cookie-consent.html
       87.417µs      87.417µs      87.417µs          0        0       0      1  _default/single.redirects
       83.542µs      83.542µs      83.542µs        100        0       0      1  partials/adsense-script.html
       59.459µs      59.459µs      59.459µs          0        0       0      1  partials/manifest.html
        26.75µs       26.75µs       26.75µs          0        0       0      1  /css/style.css
        9.542µs       9.542µs       9.542µs          0        0       0      1  /css/style-lazy.css
        1.584µs       1.584µs       1.584µs        100      100       1      1  partials/widgets/widget-wrapper

                   | EN
  Pages            |  53
  Paginator pages  |   1
  Non-page files   |   0
  Static files     |   2
  Processed images | 241
  Aliases          |   1
  Cleaned          |   0

Total in 2527 ms

Just formatting the error so that it’s a little easier for anyone interested to read:

Error: error building site: render: failed to render pages:
render of "page" failed:
execute of template failed: template: _default/single.html:11:7:
executing "_default/single.html" at <partial "essentials/head.html" .>:
error calling partial: partial "essentials/head.html" timed out after 30s.

This is most likely due to infinite recursion.

If this is just a slow template, you can try to increase the 'timeout'
config setting.