I created a repo that uses [template.environment] configuration as described here:
My colleague was able to use it properly, but for some reason, a site I created from it does not have the environment variables defined,
In order make sure that it is truly an issue with netlify.com and not my repo, I used a Netlify template - GitHub - netlify/netlify-statuskit: Netlify StatusKit is a template to deploy your own Status pages on Netlify., which is maintained by Netlify.
It seems that the generated site, is lacking the environment variables values I defined when cloning it (you can try it by using - this link
When trying to compare my account to my colleague’s I noticed that his account is using the classic environment variables experience while I am using the new one (Classic environment variables | Netlify Docs)
It appears template configuration and pre-filled environment variables are not working in the new experience,