I am trying to create a staging environment configuring a branch deploy as per instructions here: Site deploys overview | Netlify Docs
Steps I took:
- created a “staging” branch and pushed to github
- configured settings for “Build & deploy” > “Branch deploys” to add the staging branch. Radio button is selected for “Let me add individual branches”
- Committed a small text change to index.html
- The “Deploys” page shows the branch-deploy successfully deploying. the staging@{git-hash} link correctly shows the changes made to index.html
But. Neither the deploy preview for this branch-deploy, nor the “https://staging--thirsty-hopper-67add4.netlify.com” URL displays the changes I committed to the branch (I can’t tell whether that url is displaying the master branch or an old commit of the staging branch)
Things i’ve tried:
- retrying the deploy and selecting ‘clear cache and deploy site’
- publishing the branch deploy
- waiting for 30 minutes, just in case a cache needs to expire
- clearing my browser cache and trying other browsers
Have I understood the workflow correctly, have I missed some config?
UPDATE: The same is happening for the master branch. I turned off auto publish, committed a small change to the master branch but the deploy preview shows the old version despite the deploy details “git diff” link pointing to the correct change.
UPDATE2: here are the x-nf-request-ids:
staging (staging branch): 7131ce21-4d20-49e8-b326-85e511547b6b-8245553
production (master branch): fc96fa1f-ec91-4ded-b308-90502a8c239e-1014570