site deploys but shows with L"ooks like you’ve followed a broken link or entered a URL that doesn’t exist on this site" error

Hoping you can help. My site is, and I built it using and Astro (Supabase as db) . It deploys to Netlify OK, but when I try to visit the website, I get the error message “Page not found. Looks like you’ve followed a broken link or entered a URL that doesn’t exist on this site.”

In looking through the forums here, I found some suggestions that I fed to the AI and it tried a number of config changes, which all redeploy OK, but nothing seems to work.

I’m not an engineer and have reached the very far reaches of my ability!

What other info would be helpful?

@danielrbridges It’s hard to provide advice/instructions to people creating their projects with AI.

If you only barely understand what you’re doing, you’re probably not going to want to spend time reading any documentation, or learning anything specific, nor are you going to edit the code directly.

In cases where I have pointed people to documentation, they always just come back and say “I asked the AI and it solved it for me”.

So I’d suggest that you just continue to try that, try to get the AI to understand the problem you’re facing, so that it can proffer up the solution.

The problem in this case will be precisely as the error message already says.
The file the browser is trying to load doesn’t exist.
We know this, because you wouldn’t receive that message if the file did exist.

If you’re trying to load the root of your site, it means that there is no /index.html file (or any equivalent edge/serverless function you may have that would dynamically handle that route).

Why it is is happening could be any number of things.
Most often you would find that you just aren’t deploying the files you think you are.
E.g. Not running a build and accidentally deploying source files.

You can check the files that have been deployed using the Deploy File Browser:

For any other Bolt users encountering this, if Bolt has created a broken project/configuration for you that you cannot easily solve for, you should report it to the Bolt team via their Official Support Channels here:

Hopefully they can then make adjustments so that others aren’t continually bitten by the same issues.