Authentication Error Authenticating failed due to the following error: Your account requires additional verification. Please check your email and follow the instructions to verify your account

Authentication Error

Authenticating failed due to the following error: Your account requires additional verification. Please check your email and follow the instructions to verify your account.
I dont send me my mail.
I am turkish

@Sxinar See:

Authenticating failed due to the following error: Your account requires additional verification. Please check your email and follow the instructions to verify your account.

I am facing the same issue and my email is

@Harshith You are, and the answer is the same, see:

Anyone else encountering this thread, the answer is always the same, see:

I tried to sign up, but I couldn’t. I don’t know how I got spammed. How can I sign up to Netlify?

@Karimov-code1 See:

Don’t just read the text in the box, actually click on it, it’s a link that takes you to the thread that explains what to do.

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