I’m having trouble with an Edge Function error that only happens when I try to use routes with Route IDs.
I’m using Angular: 17.0.8 with SSR. My site runs fine locally via ng serve
but also chucks this same error when using netlify serve
Site is here: https://main--shibblesio-blog.netlify.app/
The said error:
Dec 26, 11:07:21 AM: 01HJHQ52 error [Angular SSR] TypeError: Class constructor t cannot be invoked without 'new'
at file:///root/dist/shibblesio-blog/server/chunk-4MUZ64KL.mjs:43:35934
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
at file:///root/dist/shibblesio-blog/server/chunk-KRLCULJA.mjs:2:1604
at new i (file:///root/dist/shibblesio-blog/server/polyfills.server.mjs:4:2246)
at J (file:///root/dist/shibblesio-blog/server/chunk-KRLCULJA.mjs:2:1424)
at Z6 (file:///root/dist/shibblesio-blog/server/chunk-4MUZ64KL.mjs:43:35889)
at default (file:///root/.netlify/edge-functions/angular-ssr/angular-ssr.mjs:11:24)
at file:///root/src/bootstrap/function_chain.ts:401:15
at AsyncLocalStorage.run (node:async_hooks:224:13)
at FunctionChain.runFunction (file:///root/src/bootstrap/function_chain.ts:396:28)
I’m really not sure what’s up. Site is super basic. I did a test with defined routes (not using route IDs) and that works fine.
e.g. in my Angular routes:
path: 'post/:id'
- any route under this (i.e. post/anything) will cause the above error to throw
path: 'post/test'
- completely fine (working here: https://main--shibblesio-blog.netlify.app/post/test)
Any help would be much appreciated!