Angular SSR multi language build error

I have a multi language Angualr SSR application. My dist folder has following structure:


  • myproject
    • browser
      • en
      • fr
    • server
      • en
      • fr

I successfully build the application but when I added SSR to the configuration then I got the build error:

9:03:11 PM: Writing Angular SSR Edge Function …
9:03:11 PM: ​
9:03:11 PM: Plugin “@netlify/angular-runtime” internal error
9:03:11 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
9:03:11 PM: ​
9:03:11 PM: Error message
9:03:11 PM: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘dist/myproject/server/index.server.html’

The problem is when Netlify creates SSR Edge Function it looks to the ‘dist/myproject/server’ folder, but it should look to ‘dist/myprojectserver/en/’ and '‘dist/myproject/server/fr’ folders because I have two languages.
How to set correct paths for ‘Writing Angular SSR Edge Function’?

I don’t know if this is currently supported. Can you share a minimal reproduction that I can share with the devs?

Hi, thanks

You can reproduce this build error on

Happy birthday :slight_smile:

Thank you!

By a minimal reproduction I meant a repository or some code that we can deploy and test on our end.

Added github public repository with minimal required code that reproduces the build error:

Thank you. I have passed it to the devs.