After deploying page on netlify css/tailwind doesn't work

Hi all!
After deploying my page I ran into few problems like 404 error, or blank page being displayed - I managed them (one due to my repository being nested inside another folder, blank display - I removed dist folder from git.ignore). The last one I can’t overcome - my tailwind/css isn’t applied at all.

Path to css in index.html seems to be correct, folder structure of dist too, all the tailwind and vite config as well as pacage.json seem to be correct too, all is up to date. Since my repository is nested inside another folder my build settings are as below:

It seems like I’ve tried everything and can not find the source of the issue, could you please take a look and help me?

Here is my repository: GitHub - MagdaMie/website
and here my website:

You’ve set the content-type for all files as JavaScript: website/firstReactWebsite/dist/_headers at master · MagdaMie/website. That needs to be removed.

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I’ve tried that as well as replacing with
Content-Type: application/javascript

Content-Type: text/css

Content-Type: text/html

neither worked after redeploing and clearing catche.

Is there a link to a deploy where you’ve removed it? Plus, you should remove the dist folder from your repo.

The link doesn’t change after redeploy. So far I’ve removed the line of cody you mentioned, adde4d dist folder back to gitignore and removed from repository, the css/tailwind is still not applied.

There’s a unique permalink per deploy. In any case, the output doesn’t change because you have the file in your public directory: website/firstReactWebsite/public/_headers at master · MagdaMie/website with the same incorrect contents.

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I wasn’t aware of permalink, it’s my first deploy. Yes, silly me updated the _headers in dist folder instead of public, now it all works! Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it!