Why I get 404 instead of redirects url?

My customer website is : https://amirmohammadsafari.ir
I have netlify.toml in root directory as :

publish = "dist"
command = "pnpm run build"


from = "/*"
to = "/index.html"
status = 200

and _redirects as :

/rss https://amirmohammadsafari.ir/feed.xml 301
/blog https://amirmohammadsafari.ir/posts 301

When i enter amirmohammadsafari.ir/blog i get 404 error

I couldn;t make any progress after reading redirects netlify docs

I don’t get a 404. I am redirected to https://amirmohammadsafari.ir/posts. /rss works correctly too.

I suggest using either netlify.toml or _redirects and not both. Always ensure the redirect currently in the netlify.toml is always last.


Here an example

Why do i getting this error then, any idea ?

The interesting part is after I get 404 error If I hit CTRL+SHIFT+R It would redirect

Have you tried a different browser? Have you tried a private window?