Hey @paul.mourer do you happen to have an adblock? I faced this same issue a couple weeks back. Seemed that adblock didn’t like the edge terminal view for some reason
Good thought - I actually did have an adblock extension that I totally forgot about. However, I disabled it for app.netlify.com and still have the same view. I confirmed in my network tab that there were no failed requests as well.
I was looking there because the __netlify-handler logs were empty.
I just tried again, and I am able to see production logs there - it’s a bit confusing because the real time logs don’t actually work as I expected. They only seem to show logs since I visited the page, which I found confusing, I expected that “real time” just meant they would update in real time. Not that they would only show logs since I landed on the page.
Regardless, deploy preview logs are still not there. Where are those located?
The only information I could find on the subject was here:
which references “serverless functions” which is no longer a tab in admin. I could find no mention in the docs as to where to expect these logs to exist. I don’t find the naming particularly clear, why would I expect the logs to be under “__netlify-handler”? I see now during deploy that functions are deployed:
About the serverless functions… those are generated by Netlify’s Next.js Runtime in order to enable key Next.js functionality. It automatically generates serverless functions that handle server-side rendered (SSR) pages, incremental static regeneration (ISR), images, and Next.js features.