[WEBFLOW] Form not redirecting to custom success page

We are building a website using Webflow https://drweb.es/ and although the form is working correctly and we are able to receive the submissions through netlify, we can’t get the form to redirect to our custom success page once it is submitted. It shows netlify’s success page but on our success (/gracias) url

We have followed the docs but there’s obviously something we’re missing.

Hi @helena_sfy :wave:t6: ,

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the forums! Do your redirect include a /success.html page. Keep in mind that the path must be relative to the site root.

I also recommend you have a scroll through our forums as there are quite a bit of solutions that you may try:

There is also a really helpful guide you can check out.

Hopefully some of theses resources can get you back on track.