We are unable to deploy our Gatsby Cloud application on the Netlify platform

Site name: delicate-souffle-daad75
Owner: devin-f-wn-ss’s team
Site ID: 13c1e6b4-1f23-46b9-9856-700804adcdac

Because Gatsby Cloud will be shutting down we are trying to move the only production site we have on Gatsby Cloud into our existing Netlify account where we have a number of sites that serve us well.

History: This Gatsby site was originally developed and deployed on Netlify, but as the site grew larger we ran into build issues and long build/deploy times so we moved this site to Gatsby Cloud where it is hosted today as it has been for a couple years.

1:50 PM [8/25/23]
Deploy Failure: Build completed successfully but failed to deploy after uploading 100%.
3:33:47 PM: Error message
3:33:47 PM: Deploy did not succeed: timed out while waiting to enter states [ready]

2:57 PM [8/25/23]
Post-processing Failure: deploy completed but post-processing failed with an error indicating:
2:16:58 PM: Header rule files are too large. Please reduce the combined size of /_headers and /netlify.toml
We do not use netlify.toml or custom _headers

This site is large with a lot of pages and images, but it was working fine on Gatsby Cloud.
How can we get this working on Netlify?

Hi, we are handling this in our helpdesk. Please follow up on ticket #179393 if you have more questions or concerns.

Is there a link to the helpdesk?

No, the discussion should be in your email.