Visual Editor for Hugo

I’m trying to use visual editor with my Hugo blog. I added the following to my stackbit.config.ts file, but I think there should also be a devCommand since the ssgName is custom. Can anyone help me with that?

import { defineStackbitConfig } from '@stackbit/types';

export default defineStackbitConfig({
    "stackbitVersion": "~0.6.0",
    "nodeVersion": "18",
    "ssgName": "custom",
    "contentSources": [],
    "postInstallCommand": "npm i --no-save @stackbit/types"

Currently, when I run visual editor I get the following error:

2:24:20 AM: Running dev server
2:24:20 AM: ──────────────────────────
2:24:20 AM: [info] Current working directory: .
2:24:20 AM: [info] Running dev server using: 'undefined '...
2:24:20 AM: [info] to configure a different command use `devCommand`
2:24:20 AM: [error] ❌ Service stopping