Using a key value store with netlify

I have a very simple api and I’ve just realised that the key value store won’t work on netlify, is there any alternative that’s easy to implement using lambda functions for instance or faunaDB?

Im a bit of a newbie so Im hoping that there is something not to complex

const db = require('quick.db')

export default async (req, res) => {
  const { method, body } = req
  if (method === 'POST') {
    console.log('userInfo', db.get('userInfo'))
    res.statusCode = 200
  } else if (method === 'GET') {
    db.set('userInfo', req.cookies.tagrid)
    console.log('fish', db.get('userInfo'))
    res.statusCode = 200

Sure, fauna or functions could work. I don’t have any specific code for it, but it should be fairly straightforward to use. That is a lot of what (my understandinf of…) fauna is - “database easily and securely accessible from static sites”.

Here’s some example code that should help get you started: GitHub - netlify/netlify-faunadb-example: Using FaunaDB with netlify functions