I want to use a custom favicon for my site. Could you please point me to the appropriate directory and help me understand the associated path for loading the favicon?
Additionally, I would also like to try favicons with emoticons. How could I do that?
Hi, I tried following the instructions as described in 7 steps to customize a Hugo theme for your website but unfortunately, it still doesn’t work for me. Any hint?
I added an icon.png file in the assets/media directory but it didn’t work.
Haha thanks @jasiqli & @nathanmartin for the detective work @soumya-ranjan-sahoo If you could give more details in your post then we all could help you solve this a lot faster but hats off to @jasiqli for the effort
The best way to troubleshoot things like these is to compare your local build with what Netlify has deployed online. You can download that here: