Hello! I am working on my app (https://blu-rave.netlify.app/) and every time i go to click “Enable” on “Auth0 by Okta (Beta)” under integrations, the site response with a 409 error. Is there a way to get around this error? Thanks in advance!
Could you please share a HAR file recording?
Apologies, the forum won’t let me upload the file and the text itself is over the character limit for a post. Here is a Google Drive link if that works for you: app.netlify.com.har - Google Drive
I don’t see anything wrong in the HAR file, are you sure that’s the correct one:
You need to start the HAR file recording before you reproduce the issue.
Apologies, I am new to HAR files and incorrectly recorded. This one should be correct: redo-app.netlify.com.har - Google Drive
Thank you for that. I have passed it on to the devs and would let you know once we hear back from them.
Hi @joekgilberto, thanks for reporting this, it’s now fixed!
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