I am receiving timeouts along with /bin/sh: lscpu: command not found
errors in SSR function in my application. This is a Gatsby application.
Site name: dazzling-lovelace-19c3a1
Here is the full log:
Mar 7, 08:02:42 PM: INFO Preparing Gatsby filesystem {
from: '/var/task/.cache',
to: '/tmp/gatsby/.cache',
rewrites: [
[ '/var/task/.cache/caches', '/tmp/gatsby/.cache/caches' ],
[ '/var/task/.cache/data', '/tmp/gatsby/.cache/data' ]
}Mar 7, 08:02:42 PM: INFO Start copying dataMar 7, 08:02:43 PM: INFO End copying dataMar 7, 08:02:44 PM: /bin/sh: lscpu: command not foundMar 7, 08:02:52 PM: INIT_REPORT Init Duration: 10097.03 ms Phase: init Status: timeoutMar 7, 08:02:53 PM: INFO Preparing Gatsby filesystem {
from: '/var/task/.cache',
to: '/tmp/gatsby/.cache',
rewrites: [
[ '/var/task/.cache/caches', '/tmp/gatsby/.cache/caches' ],
[ '/var/task/.cache/data', '/tmp/gatsby/.cache/data' ]
}Mar 7, 08:02:53 PM: INFO directory already existsMar 7, 08:02:55 PM: /bin/sh: lscpu: command not foundMar 7, 08:03:03 PM: INIT_REPORT Init Duration: 10581.34 ms Phase: invoke Status: error Error Type: Runtime.ExitErrorMar 7, 08:03:03 PM: RequestId: 753ebbb7-5ba3-4613-bd90-dfe0e7d72c17 Error: Runtime exited with error: signal: killed
Runtime.ExitErrorMar 7, 08:03:03 PM: 753ebbb7 Duration: 11109.41 ms Memory Usage: 1024 MB