Hello Community,
We have a project in (Gatsby x Sanity x Shopify) Stack.
We are hosting it on netlify.
The local builds and develop commands are able to serve us SSG and SSR Pages successfully.
gatsby develop
gatsby build && gatsby serve
netlify build --context deploy-preview
But when we try to visit the Server-Side Rendered (SSR) Product Page in the preview deploy, we get the following error message.
This function has crashed
An unhandled error in the function code triggered the following message:
Runtime.ExitError - RequestId: a6def5be-fd69-4db0-893c-ecc237fc3ec8 Error: Runtime exited with error: exit status 127
Connection details
Netlify internal ID: 01GSFK25EZW96MTSSYYCS4SC5Q
Next steps
Site visitors: Contact the site owner or try again.
Site owners: Review the function logs for more info.
Functions logs are empty.
These SSG pages are running fine.
Home - https://63ef3186be0b4f000834916d--owyn-dev.netlify.app/
Catalog - All Products | Plant Protein | OWYN
What we’ve tried so far
CI='' yarn build
- gatsby clean && gatsby build
- Clear cache and redeploy
- Deleting yarn.lock and pushing commits
- The preview deploys were made automatically from PRs
- At times I did try clear cache and redeploy
- Clear logs on what crashed specifically on our end so that we can fix it.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.