I am building a Hydrogen site on Netlify using this starter: GitHub - netlify/hydrogen-netlify-starter: Get started with Hydrogen on Netlify
I have the starter set up and deployed fine. However, I also want to use this dependency: OverlayScrollbars/packages/overlayscrollbars-react at master · KingSora/OverlayScrollbars · GitHub
When I add it in to my app and deploy to Netlify I receive the error:
This edge function has crashed
An unhandled error in the function code triggered the following message:
The deployment failed while serving the request.
6:09:01 AM: ReferenceError: Node is not defined
at file:///root/.netlify/edge-functions/handler/index.js:127:530
By example, I created a new app using only create-react-app and OverlayScrollbars here: https://main--elegant-starlight-c9a7ff.netlify.app/
You will see this works fine.