Subdomain already managed


I am setting up a small site for the Early Research Scholars Program (ERSP) at Brigham Young University (BYU). My site is here:

I want to setup a custom domain,, but get this error: or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team.

BYU is a really large organization, so I don’t know what other teams on campus may be using Netlify. From reading the support guide, I think what I need to do is have them setup a TXT record as described here:

and I need to link to this public post to have you fix this for me.

Am I on the right track?

Hi @zappala,

You should now be able to add the domain to your site. Please try and let us know.

All set, thank you for your help!

glad to hear it! thanks for letting us know. (: