SPA redirects don't work, neither _redirects nor netlify.toml file

I need my SPA project URLs to redirect to the index.html file.

This URL would I expect to be handled by my SPA (and not Netlify’s 404):

I tried with adding both a _redirects and a netlify.toml file, but without any luck so far. I place these files in the root of my repo and copy over to the dist directory (is my publish dir) as a part of my build-command (where index.html is placed too) and I can see it there in the Deploy file browser.

Currently I’m using _redirects. But here’s the content of both files:


  from = "/*"
  to = "/index.html"
  status = 200


/*  /index.html  200

I tried to redirect to /dist/index.html as well, but that didn’t seem to help either.

Yes, I’ve searched for similar issues, but I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong…

@planetcrypton The rewrites appear to be working when accessed by the main site name URL:

Oh yes! My bad I hadn’t checked that! Tanks :wink: