Site was live and now Build fails due to a user error: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 2

Hi there,
Any and all help appreciated-
Here’s the site link:
I had this site built and live for almost a year and all of a sudden it stopped working. I thought it was a DNS issue but now I am thinking it is something with nextjs. I am unable to deploy the site on netlify now.
Here is the failed build-

1:15:58 PM: Netlify Build                                                 
1:15:58 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
1:15:58 PM: ​
1:15:58 PM: ❯ Version
1:15:58 PM:   @netlify/build 29.20.12
1:15:58 PM: ​
1:15:58 PM: ❯ Flags
1:15:58 PM:   baseRelDir: true
1:15:58 PM:   buildId: 64f76229721d0f0655d941e2
1:15:58 PM:   deployId: 64f76229721d0f0655d941e4
1:15:58 PM: ​
1:15:58 PM: ❯ Current directory
1:15:58 PM:   /opt/build/repo
1:15:58 PM: ​
1:15:58 PM: ❯ Config file
1:15:58 PM:   No config file was defined: using default values.
1:15:58 PM: ​
1:15:58 PM: ❯ Context
1:15:58 PM:   production
1:15:58 PM: ​
1:15:58 PM: ❯ Using Next.js Runtime - v4.40.1
1:16:00 PM: ​
1:16:00 PM: @netlify/plugin-nextjs (onPreBuild event)                     
1:16:00 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
1:16:00 PM: ​
1:16:00 PM: Not running Next Runtime
1:16:00 PM: ​
1:16:00 PM: (@netlify/plugin-nextjs onPreBuild completed in 7ms)
1:16:00 PM: ​
1:16:00 PM: Build command from Netlify app                                
1:16:00 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
1:16:00 PM: ​
1:16:00 PM: $ npm run build
1:16:00 PM: > two-roosters@0.1.0 build
1:16:00 PM: > react-scripts build
1:16:01 PM: Creating an optimized production build...
1:16:25 PM: Failed during stage 'building site': Build script returned non-zero exit code: 2 (
1:16:23 PM: Compiled successfully.
1:16:23 PM: 
1:16:23 PM: File sizes after gzip:
1:16:23 PM:   153.4 kB  build/static/js/main.f6502b6e.js
1:16:23 PM:   49.02 kB  build/static/css/main.0f25c7b6.css
1:16:23 PM: The project was built assuming it is hosted at /.
1:16:23 PM: You can control this with the homepage field in your package.json.
1:16:23 PM: The build folder is ready to be deployed.
1:16:23 PM: You may serve it with a static server:
1:16:23 PM:   npm install -g serve
1:16:23 PM:   serve -s build
1:16:23 PM: Find out more about deployment here:
1:16:23 PM:
1:16:23 PM: ​
1:16:23 PM: (build.command completed in 23.8s)
1:16:23 PM: ​
1:16:23 PM: @netlify/plugin-nextjs (onBuild event)                        
1:16:23 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
1:16:23 PM: ​
1:16:23 PM: ​
1:16:23 PM: (@netlify/plugin-nextjs onBuild completed in 4ms)
1:16:23 PM: ​
1:16:23 PM: @netlify/plugin-nextjs (onPostBuild event)                    
1:16:23 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
1:16:23 PM: ​
1:16:23 PM: ​
1:16:23 PM: (@netlify/plugin-nextjs onPostBuild completed in 2ms)
1:16:23 PM: ​
1:16:25 PM: Build failed due to a user error: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 2
1:16:25 PM: Failing build: Failed to build site
1:16:25 PM: Finished processing build request in 1m3.342s

and here are my build settings-

Base directory
Package directory
Not set
Build command
npm run build
Publish directory
Deploy log visibility
Logs are public
Build status

Thank you in advance for any time spent helping me

I’m not seeing any build errors on your site. Has this been resolved?