Site cannot be accessed broken link or url that doesn't exist

Page Not Found

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Hi there,

I’ve read the previous thread. I’ve read the resource.
I have renamed everything and made sure it’s in lowercase.
I’ve added a redirect.
I’m pretty sure my index.html is there. It’s the same setup as a previous project.

Deploy log


11:01:28 PM: Build ready to start

11:02:17 PM: build-image version: d7b3dbfb0846505993c9a131894d1858074c90b4 (focal)

11:02:17 PM: build-image tag: v4.10.1

11:02:17 PM: buildbot version: 37262c48b1f3cfa88c6caed707d29b19aef6a5a7

11:02:17 PM: Fetching cached dependencies

11:02:17 PM: Starting to download cache of 2.9MB

11:02:17 PM: Finished downloading cache in 34.879635ms

11:02:17 PM: Starting to extract cache

11:02:17 PM: Finished extracting cache in 27.509739ms

11:02:17 PM: Finished fetching cache in 93.10568ms

11:02:17 PM: Starting to prepare the repo for build

11:02:17 PM: Preparing Git Reference refs/heads/main

11:02:17 PM: Parsing package.json dependencies

11:02:18 PM: No build steps found, continuing to publishing

11:02:18 PM: Starting to deploy site from ‘/’

11:02:18 PM: Creating deploy tree

11:02:18 PM: Creating deploy upload records

11:02:18 PM: 1 new files to upload

11:02:18 PM: 0 new functions to upload

11:02:19 PM: Starting post processing

11:02:19 PM: Uploading Cache of size 2.9MB

11:02:19 PM: Post processing - HTML

11:02:19 PM: Post processing - header rules

11:02:19 PM: Post processing - redirect rules

11:02:19 PM: Post processing done

11:02:20 PM: Finished processing build request in 3.025502229s

11:02:22 PM: Site is live :sparkles: