I’m attempting to set up Netlify as a reverse proxy for another API, but it doesn’t seem to be working – rather than reverse-proxying, Netlify is returning a 301 redirect?
Netlify site name: robertying.netlify.app
_redirects file:
❯ cat _redirects
/shengji https://shengji-api.robertying.com/shengji 200
/shengji/ https://shengji-api.robertying.com/shengji 200
/shengji/* https://shengji-api.robertying.com/shengji/:splat 200
❯ curl https://robertying.netlify.app/shengji -s -L -I -o /dev/null -w '%{url_effective}'
Expected output: Play 升级 / Tractor / 找朋友 / Finding Friends online!