Redirect reverse-proxy for 301 origin response

Is it possible to configure the Netlify reverse proxy to overwrite a 301 response from origin ?

I know that it’s a bit crazy… but here we are.

I have this redirect rule.

  from = "/documentation/*"
  to = ""
  status = 200
  force = true

The issue is that an URL like Documentation Start Page | SFTPPlus Documentation is configured on the origin server to redirect to Documentation Start Page | SFTPPlus Documentation

The netlify reverse proxy works … but end up with users getting outside of the main domain.

I am trying to deploy a single domain - multi repo site.

The main site is in one repo and the documentation (with all versions) in another repo

For now I am just testing a migration…so the documentation is still hosted on the my VPS server.

For example I have these URLs

I am expecting both of them to return the same content.

The actual result is that the second URL without a trailing slash ends up with a redirection to the origin server and not with a reverse proxy.


Hi @adiroiban,

That’s actually expected behaviour. Netlify’s rewrites will return the response headers sent by the destination content. In your case, the response is returning 301 with location header:

Thus, it’s redirecting accordingly.

I think you could use placeholders to always rewrite to the URL with the trailing slash. For example like this:

  from = "/documentation/:page"
  to = ""
  status = 200
  force = true

Thanks a lot.

Well, there are hundred of pages… but I am not sure how :page can be used.

I could not find it documented here Redirect options | Netlify Docs

The plan is to host the documentation in a separate Netlify repo, with each version of the documentation deployed in a separate branch.

There is and and so on

I don’t want visitor to be redirected to something like

That’s a placeholder, just like * is for match all. :page in the above example would match everything till the next /. For example, in this URL:, :page would match bar.

It’s documented in the placeholder section in the link you posted.