Seeking Gridsome JAMstack developer/consultant

Hey! We’re looking for a lead developer/consultant to guide my team. The dev team here has built Gridsome static sites, but they’ve never built a dynamic (JAMstack-style) site with Gridsome–they use non-pre-rendered SPA architecture for that instead.

It seems they don’t know how to make a Gridsome site which is capable of loading dynamic-data.

You’ve done that before and can share your expertise to show how it’s done.

It seems people having built JAMstack sites capable of loading dynamic data using Gatsby, but we’ve only ever seen static sites with Gridsome. Is this architecture possible?

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Hi Max,

I already developed a few sites using Gridsome. Yes you can do what want to do using the Gridsome server.

Please contact me at if you want me to help you with everything Gridsome related.


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