Request - Enabling SSL on Subdomains


I was following this guide that was posted by a Netlify support engineer to set up branch subdomains with an external DNS: [Support Guide] How to use Netlify’s branch deploy feature without Netlify DNS

Everything is working on my end, but the last step says that I should reach out to Netlify technical support to extend my SSL cert to my subdomains.

The site is The domain I use through my DNS is and I have just added (the subdomain I wish to extend the DNS to).


Hi @fabien-ml

Have you deleted the branch by any chance? I don’t see it in the list:

and till its not visible, SSL cannot be provisioned for it.


No, I don’t know why it doesn’t appear in the list.

And I’ve just successfully deployed it https://next–

Hmm… could you try to push another commit to next?

Done, i’ve pushed again to next

There’s something really weird going on with this. Could you try to deploy this as a separate site just to check if the branch deploys are working as expected? You need not remove the domain for now, but we want to see what is happening with this.