Hi thanks for reaching out. You can actually delete your git contributor yourself i’m attaching the documentation below.
Best of luck!
Hi thanks for reaching out. You can actually delete your git contributor yourself i’m attaching the documentation below.
Best of luck!
Hey there! I’ve manually removed this Git Contributor for you. I’ve also applied an account credit to cover the charge you will receive at the end of this billing cycle for this accidental GC. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks!
We have two active Git contributors in our account that we’d like to be removed, could you do this? Thanks!
Hi, when you go in your UI the option to delete your git contributors is not there?
Please note, you can only delete inactive Git contributors. Once this person has no longer triggered any successful build during the current billing cycle, then they can be deleted.
I also want to remove all the Git Contributor from my team. plz help thx
Hi, you can remove your inactive git contributors in the UI.
but i want to delete active git contributors ( actually one of them is inactive now
@tasb00429 As a one-time courtesy, we can remove the active git contributors from your account, however moving forward you’ll be responsible for the cost of these contributors. I’d recommend checking out our billing page here for information on how GC’s are billed:
I’ve removed the active contributors from your account.
Hi there, I would also like to remove the Git contributors on my account as well.
Hi there! You can remove Git Contributors outside of billing cycles where they have triggered builds to Netlify. When the next billing cycle begins, they will be moved to the Inactive status and you will be able to remove them from your member’s panel. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks!
Hello , I cannot delete the github contributor. I was charged extra $19 for something I am not aware of
Hey there! Since this is a billing inquiry and we like to track these in our ticketing system, would you please write in a request at Support? We will be able to assist you there.