Hey everyone! I recently got through every stage of the Microsoft interview in a graduate position.
Unfortunately, I fell at the last hurdle. Fortunately, I am in a position with another offer from a large organisation, it is still hard to overlook the fact that I put my everything into the process to be told no.
Has anyone been rejected from a dream role, or atleast what they think would’ve been their dream role? How did you move forward? Just looking to hear experiences
I have university assignments and everything that doesn’t interest me is consuming all my time, but I want to code and learn everything to do with web technologies.
Also, while you’re here! Are there any really cool technologies anyone is using that I could dig into? I primarily focus on javascript technologies.
@AaronP Sorry you didn’t get the Microsoft gig. I know you were pretty confident about your chances on that one. I hear that @perry is looking for an intern.
Depending on how ambitious you are, there seems to be a need for API-driven community fora. If you could do for discussion software what Ecwid did for online stores, you wouldn’t need a job from anyone. That’s a big ask, though.
Ah man, that sucks! I share that experience, as I feel rejected from my dream job being @perry’s intern, as she didn’t even ask me!
Joking aside, I actually just got rejected from my dream role at a firm I long considered to be my dream agency. I actually worked there for three months on secondment agreement as part of my reintegration process. HR decided it was too much of a hassle as I’m not fully recovered from a burnout yet, even though management intended to hire me.
Anyway… how do you move forward? I guess you take the experience and add it to your supposed dream. I feel like it was a dream job until I had to wake up from it. I do want the same things as when I started working there though. Sure, I felt super shitty and I still pretty much do, but it also made me realize what it was about my dream that still makes me want to move forward with it.
So in the end, it’s not the dream you got rejected from, just one of the opportunities to fulfill it… I hope the experience itself can shed some light on where to look for new ones!
Haha, yeahh I guess too confident! Other candidates reached out to me after and even said they thought I was really good etc etc, anyhow, I do have another offer its just that sense of rejection or not being “good enough”.
That is very very true. It’s somewhat comforting knowing you’ve been through similar, in the nicest way possible! I definitely feel like I have an amazing opportunity I just need to put in extra work to make sure I continue to progress forward with my career. I need to constantly check myself, make sure I am focused on my goals. Although, currently University is the bane of my life.
Sorry to hear that you have experienced the same thing though, you’re super knowledgeable and I can imagine you’d have many opportunities to carry on progressing.
The annoying thing so far is that I haven’t had any feedback or told why, just that I didn’t get it, I have emailed asking for feedback and from a company of such high status you would expect some feedback.
The dream is still alive, I just need to make sure I can vision it clearly and carry on learning!
sorry to hear you didn’t get the offer, Aaron - it always sucks to have high hopes and put in the work and then not get the offer.
I’ve worked a lot of different jobs in (and out) of tech and I gotta say two things:
a.) as soon as i got a job that was a good fit, i immediately forgot about the jobs i didn’t get offers for for the most part
b.) 9 out of 10 jobs I didn’t get, I looked back and thought “phew, dodged a bullet there actually”
it’s a bit like dating in that way??
You will find a role that you are perfect for. You’re a smart communicative helpful person. When i taught code school, i would tell my students that i can teach anyone how to code, but that i couldn’t teach everyone how to communicate and collaborate well. And you have both skills!
Thanks for the kind words!
It may seem like a dream from the outside but maybe I wouldn’t havent even liked it, very true.
My other offer is amazing and I should be very happy to have it and take advantage of that opportunity without dwelling on the past. Just have to get through 6 more months of virtual university! haha