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I have just deployed a Vue 3 app which has dynamic routes, so I am using useHead to supply meta tags appropriate to each page. I understand that the crawlers from the likes of facebook and linkedin do not trigger javascript to load, so I enabled pre-rendering on netlify.
When I try to share a site link on LinkedIn, it does not generate a preview, and when I use their post inspector tool it says it can’t load the URL.
My test URL is
and you can see the results of trying to debug the issue on their tool at
Similarly, it fails on facebook’s tool
However, if I use curl to fetch the URL with the user agent specified like this:
curl -A LinkedInBot
It returns the correct information, including the dynamically updated headers.
Similarly, if I use Facebook’s recommended command to fetch it, it again returns the correct results:
curl -v --compressed -H "Range: bytes=0-524288" -H "Connection: close" -A "facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+" ""
In this particular case, the correct og:title is Stampede. If I fetch without specifying a user agent, it just gives me the contents of my index.html, without loading any Javascript, which is expected.
At one stage, Facebook was showing a 502 error when it was trying to scrape the page, but now it’s just hanging when trying to access it.
I have tried installing the netlify fork of the prerender code locally and running my app through that and it worked fine in that scenario too. I have set up a robots.txt to make sure that everything is allowed.
Is there something else I need to do to get this up and running?