Prerendering appears to be a black box that I have no way of debugging with a slow feedback loop

This is in regard to:

I’m very frustrated because I’m trying to debug prerendering issues with my Vue SPA. I have had prerendering setup in the past and never had issues, but now select pages appear to not be prerendered at all. I even went so far as to clone this repo: GitHub - netlify/prerender: Automatically rendering JS-driven pages for crawlers and social sharing

I confirmed that the pages in question properly prerender locally when I run that code. I have no insight into why they aren’t working in production and support has been very slow through the ticketing system (no responses yet its been over 24 hours)

Here are some pages that aren’t working:

Here are some that are working

Notice that in the working examples the and are updated with non site defaults. This issue has been killing my SEO for 3 days now. I really could use some help debugging this.

Hi @wagslane,

As mentioned in the helpdesk, pre-rendering is not debugable. It’s a beta feature and it’s as good as it can get in its current stage.