Placeholder redirects don't support periods

I’ve been trying to set up redirects for our documentation site using placeholders

Our documentation site has the format of

For example, I want to redirect all versions of page to a specific some-new-page
/docs/:version/page /docs/some-new-page

This is not working because our site uses versions with periods.
For example

The above does not match the rule because “0.72” isn’t captured by :version.
I’ve verified this by testing which does successfully redirect.

Here is the PR where I’m adding these redirects: Rework the New Architecture Section by lunaleaps · Pull Request #3998 · facebook/react-native-website · GitHub

Here is the deploy for that PR:

You can verify that

successfully redirects but

does not.

@lunaleaps I’m not convinced this is occurring explicitly because of the existence of the .

Since the following all do redirect for me:


However this does not:

Although it now looks like you’ve taken that deploy preview down.

The deploy preview is still up. Sorry those links probably work now because I’ve worked around the issue by explicitly listing out the versions.

See this commit: Rework the New Architecture Section by lunaleaps · Pull Request #3998 · facebook/react-native-website · GitHub

Here, let me add back a redirect to consistently test

@lunaleaps Those rules wouldn’t have accounted for 0.73 redirecting correctly.

They also weren’t my first/only test, just the ones I settled on to best demonstrate what I was seeing.

It would, because we have this rule right here: react-native-website/website/static/_redirects at 21d00b74054d2f43266ec48eb93f8057a91d5289 · facebook/react-native-website · GitHub

which will then match Rework the New Architecture Section by lunaleaps · Pull Request #3998 · facebook/react-native-website · GitHub

Makes sense, I had wondered what $LATEST_VERSION would resolve to.

However I’m fairly certain (but could be mistaken) that I tested combinations outside of your version range, and I did notice the behavior rather drastically change right before I posted (presumably when you pushed the adjusted _redirects).

Let me know once there’s a named placeholder there again.

Sorry, I’m a little confused. Could you please explain what part exactly is not working? Based on the shared commit, I can see /docs/0.66/architecture-overview works fine: Architecture Overview · React Native and so does: