Hey Guys,
I’m having trouble to find the root cause of my site not working properly on Netlify as it works just fine in local.
The site affected is https://app.smsparatodos.com and without using a custom domain the app is https://react-app-smsparatodos.netlify.app
You can see the problem by visiting the site and once you are redirected to “/auth/login” you can click on any other links you see in that page, but once you reload the page boom, page not found, which seems to be a page not found running on Netlify(I don’t even see my own 404 error page).
I’m using the most recent version of React Router and I downloaded the zip generated by Netlify on the most recent build but it works great on local, so I think this is something related to Netlify.
Please let me know any ideas to debug this problem, thank you in advance