Hi, I’m Thai and I’m not very good at English. I’m sorry. I read a problem similar to mine and tried to solve it but couldn’t solve it. I’m crying now I’ve been having this problem for several days and I still can’t solve it.
I added netlify.toml but I don’t know if I did it correctly.
My site name: https://vonble.netlify.app/
X-Nf-Request-Id : 01HTW27WP16MER6J3Y0NG7XYCW
I have several of my websites on netlify encountering this problem. If you could explain to me how to solve it, I would really appreciate it.
@vasawat77 This is an easy one.
Your app appears to be an SPA (Single Page Application), so the other “pages” don’t actually exist.
See the note here in the warning box that says Avoid 404s for SPAs :
You need to add the rewrite as demonstrated here:
It ensures requests for routes that don’t exist are served your applications main index.html
If it’s unclear, here’s a more detailed explanation I gave previously:
@blogfreerecipe This is occurring because your site is a react based SPA (Single Page Application).
When you visit the site via the root / it is automatically loading the index.html which is your application, and then when you visit other pages you never actually leave the index.html page (it just looks like you do).
So /recipeDetails/110133d3dd574821a9ab17b9d160d06d loads in additional data and simulates a browser page change.
However when you make a fresh request for example by going to one…
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OMG Thank you very much, it was very easy but I was confused for a while.