It looks like that repo is using create-react-app. I’d recommend checking out any build and deploy logs in the UI to see where the problem might be. I have a feeling it’s trying to deploy the wrong directory since there isn’t a toml file telling Netlify what to publish.
I’d also recommend reading over this doc about deploying a CRA app. Make sure you’ve got the CLI installed and use that to initialize the Netlify config.
Once you’ve done that, see if you can build/deploy without the CI= bit in your build command. It shouldn’t be needed once the config is initialized properly.
There seems to be a bit of confusion in this thread concerning CI= at the start of the Build command.
This is to be expected if your build is throwing warnings.
By default CI is set to true.
When it is truewarnings are treated as errors, and errors cause your build to fail.
Having CI= sets the CI environment variable to false, and allows your build to complete successfully even when it is throwing warnings that you don’t intend to fix.
Hello! I forgot to close the thread, i managed to resolve the issue. My publish directory was wrong (it wasnt on build directory), thats why it didnt work even with the correct _redirect/netlify.toml file. Sorry for that!