I have a general question. I have a react app that runs really well locally, but it seems to have issues (particularly around routing) when it’s deployed to netlify. Like, some routed paths give a 404 error only when deployed on netlify, etc.
The wide variety of errors on netlify but not locally make me think I’m perhaps not deploying properly. To do a manual deploy, here are my steps:
test the app locally
stop the local instance
run “npm run build”
run “netlify deploy” and when prompted for the deploy folder, type “build”
go to netlify and check the deploy and then choose “publish deploy”
Is that it? The site seems to be deploying well, but I’m having just weird issues that don’t show up locally. Is there anything else I need to do? Anything on netlify’s side to set it up for a react app, or run some kind of install on the netlify servers somehow, or anything?
Any guidance on the proper way to deploy would be appreciated. Thanks!
I can navigate my website by entering the path routes, and fix broken links error by creating a file _redirects without a file extension to the public directory. inside the _redirects is the code below
/* /index.html 200