Page not found error1

Hi guys,

I’m using Angular and Node.js for my website. When I attempt to deploy my site on netlify , I am met with a “Page not found” and an error in the console which reads: "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (). "

Here is my Github link:GitHub - sairam63/docweb
Here is my Netlify link:

@Sairam My guess is that you haven’t set your Build settings, (which doesn’t happen automatically), and that you’re accidentally just deploying your source files.

You can see this here:

You should configure your build, read the definitions carefully and then set them based on what your project needs.

@nathanmartin thanks for reply i will go through it

@Sairam Also note that there is no “node.js” hosting with Netlify, so your server app won’t work “as is”, see:

If you do have to use express you would need to do it with: